The 7,000 Mile Journey

Seven. Thousand. Miles. 7,000 miles in 30 days. That's a lot of ground to cover. A lot of time to think. A lot of people observed. 

JPM drove across the USA and back in the month of July. Starting from Tecate, Mexico and traveling East to the Navajo Reservation and on to Atlanta. Then back to Navajo, up to  Seattle, on to Winema Christian Camp (Oregon), down to San Diego then back to Tecate. Woo!

When traveling through so many different towns, roads, cultures - one must always be ALERT

Everywhere we looked we'd see displaced families, homelessness. Each of them seeking something. Or really someone (whether they know it or not). 

1 Peter 5:8 kept echoing in our minds as we kept on our journey. This verse speaks not only to how we should protect ourselves, but how we should be watchful for others. The enemy seeks to devour anyone he can get his hands on. 

So in response, we shared the love of Jesus all along the way. Our passion is for these individuals to believe in the only One that can satisfy their souls. 

Friends of ours had the unbelievably wonderful idea to donate dress suits(jackets, pants, vests) to our chosen communities. Our friends at the Navajo Reservation and Thoreau High School (NM) were blessed with over 100 suits.

Many were overcome with emotion receiving a suit for the first time. Their self esteem boosted knowing they have something so respectable to wear to a job interview, a funeral, etc. This blessing will be received over and over and over by these men. 

All along the west coast we hauled a trailer filled with new items to be donated to families in need. Thank you, partner, for making this possible!

Please pray for our upcoming missions! August, September and October projects are big ones and even include drilling wells!


This week we are heading to the Blackfoot and Sioux Reservations in Montana and possibly the Dakotas. These partnerships are new and still forming, so it takes time to build trust and relationships.

Please pray for us as we connect with these people. Pray for God's favor and protection everywhere we go!


The plans are in place for the completion of two DRILL-A-WELL Projects in Rwanda in late September. This is the largest Well Project ever attempted by JPM as it is in the midst of the Maasai communities and will fulfill the water supply of 2,000 people per day! 

We ask that you cover us in prayer as we near this mission.

Our mission to Feed 1 Million Children per day comes closer every day & every year.
This is all made possible by your prayers, your partnership, and your support.


JPM was impacted by friends in Washington State & Winema Camp to create an opportunity for our friends and partners to “Build Your Own Mission"! 

Every person has a calling from God on their life to bless and serve others. Some of you feel that call in the area of missions, so we want to give you the tools and confidence to get started! 

If you have dreams of going on a mission trip, but don’t know where to begin, fill out our interest form here! We're excited to talk!

Please continue to PRAYSHARE (our facebook posts, instagram posts, website posts, etc.) and DONATE (if you prayerfully feel led to donate your time, money, vehicle, etc., please do so here or email JPM for more information)!

Cathy & I are so thankful for your partnership and the years of blessings we share with you in following Jesus.

Many blessings and favor,

Joey & Cathy


Wells of Salvation


We Are