We Are


We are excited to share a special gift that JPM has received and wants to extend to you!

This gift has been given to us by great friends and partners: Melissa and Andy Sheridan. Joey first met Melissa when she was a youth in Ft. Meyers, Fl. Melissa and her parents were as gracious and giving then as they are now!

Melissa and her husband Andy continue this legacy of GIVING through their individual and family ministries. Their children each collect Barbie dolls and Matchbox cars to donate to the children on our mission trips.

This has become a vital part of our outreach! We all know how children light up when they receive a NEW toy and for most of these children, receiving these gifts are the only new toys they receive at all, so it is a huge deal for them!!

Listen to the following video where the Sheridan children, Jett and Chandler, share their ministries and where Melissa introduces and shares her inspiration behind Sheridan Music's song for JPM: "We Are"!

Andy and Melissa have won awards over the years for their music and production. Please take a couple of minutes to hear and receive this wonderful gift of song!

We echo Melissa's words, "I wrote this song as a call to action for us to not just say that we love Christ but to actually be the hands and feet of Christ!"

No matter where you are in life: if you're a stay at home mom, a business person, a grandparent, a retiree, a student - YOU have a purpose! You have a call to action by God himself. Lean into that call, take action and watch God show off!


Our trip to Tecate, MX went wonderfully! We delivered Jett and Chandler Sheridan's donated Barbie Dolls and Matchbox Cars to the children of Tecate and they were ecstatic!

Our Annual JPM Tecate Summer Camp was a success. Checkout our Weekly Updates page (7/2/2022) for more details of this trip!


We were blessed with incredible quality and quantity of men's suits which we used to donate to the men of the Navajo Reservation. 

TESTIMONY: a middle school teacher on the Rez shared in tears: her husband had never owned a suit or dress shoes until today. 

See our Weekly Updates (7/16/2022) for more insight on this trip!

We are excited to share that JPM is returning to Africa this fall to drill 2-3 wells in the Maasai Community of Kenya as well as the farming region of Rwanda.

These massive DRILL-A-WELL Projects will bring an unbelievable amount of water & life to these communities.

Thank you for partnering with JPM on these projects and the many to come!

It is our desire for our website to be a place where prayers, praises and miracles can be shared and proclaimed! Please take advantage of this partnership and submit your own prayer request or praise report! There is no request or proclamation too small or too big to share.

PRAY (this is always first and most important!)

SHARE (please share our facebook posts, instagram posts, website posts, etc.)

DONATE (if you prayerfully feel led to donate your time, money, vehicle, etc., please do so here or email JPM for more information!)


We hope this email encourages you and empowers you to live out God's purpose in your life each and every day. We all have a call and a mission. We all have a ministry and a mission field. It looks different for everyone and that is the goodness of God working uniquely in each of us. 

Thank you for your partnership!

Many blessings,

Joey & Cathy


The 7,000 Mile Journey

