Wells of Salvation

Hello friend,

Whew! *Big exhale* If you follow us on Facebook or Instagram, then you know that JPM has been on a whirlwind series of mission trips over the last several months. 

A BIG thank you to our family, friends and partners who have reached out to us, prayed for us and prayed with us. You have been our Aaron and Hur: lifting us up and keeping us steady as we continue to lead this most worthy cause.

You may have heard the saying, testimony is irresistible! Well, lucky for you, we have an abundance!

Today we want to give you a brief overview of our missions from the last few months and then take some time over the coming weeks to share more specifics: troubles, heartbreak, blessing, triumph and everything in between.

Sioux Reservation

JPM took a brief respite in early August after our 7,000 mile journey to rest up for another trip out west to the Sioux Reservation in Montana. You might remember that this is a new partnership for JPM, but the problems are the same. Take our word for it: you never get used to seeing the devastation on reservations.

Literally thousands of children fall into one or all of the following categories: undernourishmentdirty water for bathing AND drinking, and no opportunity for education.

We hope to share more about this partnership, but note that due to the sensitive issues and ongoing suffering on the β€œreservations of Northwest states” much cannot be videoed or shared until a later date.


After a short breather between trips, we left for Rwanda, Africa! Here we partnered with a young missionary named Nathan who has served this region for 15 years.

JPM assisted in the completion of TWO Drill-A-Well Projects serving 600 individuals offering them each 22 liters of water per day!

This precious little soul (below) no longer has to drink dirty water from a puddle, stream or river. She now enjoys fresh, clean water thanks to YOU! Join us in taking a moment to thank and praise God for His provision!

Matthew 8:26, "Look at the birds in the sky. They don’t sow seed or harvest grain or gather crops into barns. Yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Aren’t you worth much more than they are?"


After being delayed in Rwanda for an extra 3 days, JPM finally arrived in Nairobi, Kenya (roughly 700 miles east of Rwanda)! Joey recalls, "I was so excited – I was going off of 1 hour sleep, God’s Grace and the Holy Spirit!"

Here we partnered with New International to complete a MEGA WELL which now provides water for over 2,000 families per day! 

This new mega well will draw in at least six communities who will plant, build and establish their lives within 1 mile of the well. We've seen this happen with previous mega well projects, and the presence of such a massive well inevitably draws people and ultimately raises up communities as well as churches! 

We see spikes in the people's livelihood, self esteem and well being. Glory to God, Amen!

Joey writes, "One of the greatest joys of my life was watching the Maasai Children touch, smell, & taste the water coming from the well during the ceremony of the opening of the new well."


After spending a week with the Maasai people of Nairobi, Kenya, we traveled northwest to Kisumu, Kenya where we aided in water projects, fed children, assisted a school and helped a pastor who aids 200 children daily. 

JPM is actively seeking ways to correct the water pipes for the Kisumu People's well. This community is in desperate need of water in this season.

We are anxious to share more in depth stories of our time at each of these places in the coming weeks!


Our hearts were (and still are) heavy from the news of the devastation of Hurricane Ian upon Ft. Myers/Lee County. Joey & Cathy served FCC of Ft. Myers for three years, so this one hits close to home. 

While Joey and the Missions Team were drilling wells in Africa, the JPM Disaster Relief team was loading up our Disaster Truck with supplies (several hundred fans, cleaning supplies, necessities) to take to Ft. Myers upon Joey' return. 

As you continue to support JPM, please remember that 100% of our proceeds go towards serving and blessing OTHERS!

Please take a moment to view our remaining Mission Projects through the end of the year!

Our mission to Feed 1 Million Children per day comes closer every day & every year.
This is all made possible by your prayers, your partnership, and your support.


Please continue to PRAYSHARE (our facebook posts, instagram posts, website posts, etc.) and DONATE (if you prayerfully feel led to donate your time, money, vehicle, etc., please do so here or email JPM for more information)!

May God continue to bless you and pour his favor on you!

More to come!

Joey & Cathy


Fall Recap


The 7,000 Mile Journey