
Hello friend,

We left off last week with you anticipating JPM’s experience being “stuck” in Rwanda and delayed getting to our Kenya mission.


Logistically, Kenya was not accepting our VISA application. After multiple trips to the airport, Kenyan Embassy, anywhere with WIFI, and two canceled flights, Joey and the mission team were incredibly frustrated. But...

... spiritually, JPM chose PEACE and patience, believing there was a reason for this season of being stuck.

Just hours after we released a text chain inviting people to PRAY for the team to be released from Rwanda into Kenya, JPM received news that our VISA was released and we would be on the 3am flight to Kenya arriving by 6am! PRAISE GOD! We shared this before, but Joey recalls, "I was so excited – I was going off of 1 hour sleep, God’s Grace and the Holy Spirit!"

It was during this time that Joey took a moment to reflect on what had just happened. And his heart burdened for those who are stuck and also those who are lost...


Being lost is a different matter. Joey recalls many years ago when he and Shane Wiliams (President of FCA) were on a morning run in Ukraine before a mission project. After 3 miles into the run, Shane confirmed Joey knew the way back. Joey confidently assured him he did, but after several more miles, Joey realized they were completely lost.

95% of that population did not know english, but after finding a phone number in his shoe slot and happening upon an english speaking Ukrainian in a local bar, Joey and Shane found their way back!

Why do we share this? Some of you are in these same situations. You're either stuck: unable to move in any direction. Or some of you are lost: scrambling and grasping for anything firm you can get your hands on.

Our encouragement to you is to simply pause: pause, reflect, pray. Ask, seek, knock.

The beauty of being stuck and being lost is that God can restore and redeem both scenarios. Sometimes He rescues us fromthose situations and other times He rescues us, our spirit.

Oftentimes He’s doing a work in us and it’s more important that we stay physically stuck for a time, so He has our attention and can do His work. Remember, “that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28).

In previous years, JPM has only ever carried out Christmas Projects for our friends in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. This year we are multiplying our efforts sixfold! JPM will be bringing Christmas gifts and meals to each of the following locations!

You'll notice we just wrapped up our Mexico Christmas Mission Project (see what we did there 😉🎁), the first of six Christmas missions! We're excited to share more about that trip later this week!

Our mission to Feed 1 Million Children per day comes closer every day & every year.
This is all made possible by your prayers, your partnership, and your support.


Please continue to PRAYSHARE (our facebook posts, instagram posts, website posts, etc.) and DONATE (if you prayerfully feel led to donate your time, money, vehicle, etc., please do so here or email JPM for more information)!

If you are in a season of feeling either stuck or lost, please reach out to us. We would love prayer with you and for you!

Look at what God did through our friend's prayers while we were literally stuck in a different country! Do not underestimate the prayer of a friend's prayer.

May God bless you and keep you!


Joey & Cathy


Recognize your Mission Field


Rwanda Relief