Recognize your Mission Field

Friend, do you believe you can serve Jesus anywhere? People may not say this aloud, but there is sort of an expectation that vocational pastors and full time missionaries are the people who really serve Jesus or directly serve Jesus. If you’re someone who rejects this idea, then count yourself wise.

You read last month about Coach Keith Rawlings and Coach Brian Dooley from Edgewood High School in Maryland. Their vocational title is β€œCoach”, but their calling is missionary. Their mission field may not be Africa, but instead it's an American football field, locker room, classroom.

Your main title might be β€œstay at home mom”, but your calling is mother and your mission field is your home, your car, the playground.

Consider yourself: my title/vocation is (fill in the blank), and my mission field is: (fill in the blank). It is worth noting that this is not just limited to vocation, but each of us are called to serve Jesus in every area of our lives: as a spouse, child, parent, employee, etc.

Satan wants to undermine your titles and your callings. He wants you to believe that what you do every day, every moment, doesn’t matter.

Choose today to reject that lie and begin to walk in the calling and the mission field that God has placed you. Thank Him for the gift of such a righteous calling and ask Him to see the beauty and power in it!


JPM completed our first Christmas Mission Project in Tecate, Mexico last week. It was cold and wet (no one’s preferred combo), and it impressed on us all the more the great need for heat. Most of which these people do not have. Most of them do like our grandparents did and heat water for bucket baths, pile blankets on themselves and remain fully dressed at all times just to keep warm.

During our time in Tecate, we provided much needed medicine to combat the ever increasing flu and cold season. We helped provide the means for upcoming surgical procedures, household essentials, auto parts and other miscellaneous needs.

When planning a mission, it isn’t always clear what the needs are of the people. Most of our trip funds were spent meeting the basic needs of the community. We were still able to bless the kids with toys and coloring books, but we’ve decided to come back again for a few days later in the season to celebrate more properly!


JPM is currently in Roatan Island, Honduras. Our original partner was not able to fulfill their partnership with us on this project, so we ask that you partner with us in prayer and thanksgiving that God will provide!

Matthew 6:26, β€œLook at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?”

Upon returning from Honduras, JPM will enjoy a nice respite with family to celebrate Thanksgiving and then we will prepare for our remaining Christmas projects! 

Thank you for joining us as we multiply our Christmas giving efforts all over the world!

Please continue to PRAYSHARE (our facebook posts, instagram posts, website posts, etc.) and DONATE (if you prayerfully feel led to donate your time, money, vehicle, etc., please do so here or email JPM for more information)!

Please continue to pray for JPM on a regular basis. Thank you for your continued financial and spiritual partnership with us. We are forever grateful for YOU!

Thanks and peace be to you!

Happy Thanksgiving Week πŸ¦ƒπŸ™πŸ½πŸ™ŒπŸ»!

Joey & Cathy


Offering vs. Sacrifice

