Running to the Storm

Beloved Family, Friends and JPM Partners,

Thank you for keeping up with us!

While most people hear of a storm and run, our heart has always been to run TO a storm. Read more to understand why.

JPM recently completed another mission in Dawson Springs, Kentucky where a tornado claimed the homes of 75% of its citizens back in December 2021. What could’ve prompted a community to have an β€œevery man for himself” attitude instead evoked a rallying effort amongst a special group of people.

Authorities called on the people of Dawson Springs High School to transform their school into an emergency medical center and shelter for the seriously injured victims. Students, parents, teachers, coaches and administration immediately stepped up to help. Maneuvering through blackened debris, electrical wires, trees and strewn structures, everyone that could made their way to DSHS.

There are stories of people on four wheelers moving through the rubble, digging out people they heard crying for help. Amongst the dead were the traumatically injured - some of who did not survive. Young teenagers saw their neighbors, friends and even family members die in the night from injuries sustained during the tornado. The stories we heard on this trip were truly heartbreaking.

While there was so much heartbreak, there were also so many stories of hope and compassion. Even on this trip, something very cool happened.

JPM brought hundreds of new pairs of shoes, jeans, towels, blankets and other supplies to the school. Students were told to come pick up items they needed in waves.

In a time where supplies and help are extremely limited, one might expect the kids that went first to pick the β€œbest” items for themselves.

We began to overhear students trying to take items elsewhere.

When we asked what was happening, we learned that the students in the morning wave were picking the correct sizes and the first choice of shoes for their classmates and even their teachers who were in the afternoon wave.

We were blown away. This was such a testament to the love, compassion and ultimately the trust these people have in God to continue to provide for their every need.

Continued care and provisions are needed for these people, and JPM is excited to invite you to come serve the people of Dawson Springs this summer! More information to come.

JPM left Dawson Springs and headed straight to the Navajo Reservation in New Mexico. We brought 4 duffle bags full of new dresses to donate to the Navajo Elementary School. Aside from physical needs, the Navajo desperately need your prayers. Reservations are home to some of the most dark and evil spirits that roam this earth. Please join us in prayer against the enemy in these places. Pray for the Spirit of God to reign in the hearts of the Navajo, in Pastor Cecil Lewis and Pastor Noah Crow, and to spread all across the reservation.

JPM is currently serving in Tecate, Mexico. We look forward to sharing about our time here in our next newsletter!

It is our desire for our website to be a place where prayers, praises and miracles can be shared and proclaimed! Please take advantage of this partnership and submit your own prayer request or praise report! There is no request or proclamation too small or too big to share.

PRAY (this is always first and most important!)

SHARE (please share our facebook posts, instagram posts, website posts, etc.)

DONATE (if you prayerfully feel led to donate your time, money, vehicle, etc., please do so here or email JPM for more information!)


The Potter Family is overwhelmed by the prayers, love and support displayed by so many of you. From Joey's surgery to the birth & health battle of Baby Titus to the rallying of Andrew & Hannah Beth. There are no words to express our thanks.

Titus is getting healthier and growing more each day. He is finally HOME just in time to celebrate Hannah Beth's first mothers day. We could not be more grateful! See our Weekly Updates page (5/5/2022) for a cool story about how God is already using Titus in a mighty way!

Thank you again. You are a blessing to us. To God be the Glory!


Joey & Cathy


